Terry Morreale has interviewed a number of 'Women in IT' with all types of backgrounds, with a diverse group of job responsibilities and all with different goals and challenges. Terry is a Senior Engineer at Applied Trust Engineering and Director of the Women in IT Channel. She interviewed Beth Just, President and CEO of Just Associates at her home office. They have 44 employees and they all work virtually with most in Colorado, but others spread across the country. Beth is very proud about how her current team is working, but she points out some of the difficulties in building a virtual team. "Initially we found that it is recruitment because there are some people who can work out of the home and some that just can’t. Some people just can’t ever turn their work off, and some can’t seem to get to it.. So, the quality of the work they’re doing is constantly interrupted by their kids or dogs or that next load of laundry. We found that we had to structure our interview questions to solicit responses that would help us know whether they had a ‘responsibility character’, whether or not they could stay focused...
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