Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets, Patents, Copyrights
1015_ 5/18/11 - It isn't often that we get to share the personal character of an interview but we've decided this was the time to do so. After all that is what w3w3 aims to do, connect people and resources. Neal Cohen a partner at Holme Roberts and Owen - Boulder, is a delightful guy with a great sense of humor and a fun story. Neal grew up in Queens, New York, attended public school and one of the activities he got involved in was fencing, even before high school. He fenced in high school, the public school athletic league, went on to college and got a scholarship to fence in college, and then fenced after college until he was almost 30 years old. All of that predated his legal aspirations. Larry asked for more background. Neal went on, "Well fencing, as you can imagine, does not go a long way to paying many bills. So I had a lot of jobs to support my fencing habit." After college, Neal was a high school English teacher (which also didn't pay very well back then). He was a health club manager and he was a New York City cab driver. (Imagine, a cab driver that speaks English and knows his way around town!). "Which”, Neal said, “oddly enough, was the best paying job of the three, but had its own little challenges. It didn't hurt to have a foil in the front some circumstances." Larry said, "Mark Weakly mentioned you are a magnificent litigator. Would you mind getting into some of the litigation issues?" Neal told us,when he started out, the firm he was with did a lot of 'securities litigation'. "That", said Neal, "is sort of how I cut my teeth, in securities litigation." Most attorneys don't stay in one area their whole career and so Neal grew into doing 'employment litigation' and employment litigation invariably leads into 'trade secret litigation' because employees will change employers and take trade secrets with them, sometimes. They're not supposed to, of course, and that always leads to 'trade secret litigation', which is one of the areas of 'intellectual property'. Trade secret litigation took Neal into patent litigation and that lead to copyright litigation and other areas like that. This led to Neal's sub-specialty, patent litigation and he's been doing that for fifteen years. "When I was in law school, I met a cute girl who was sitting near me.. .Listen, there's much more...
Related Links: Holme Roberts & Owen, LLP Home || It's the Law Channel || Blog || Podcast Directory || Keywords: Neal Cohen, Litigation, Mark Weakley, Holme Roberts & Owen, Entrepreneur, Intellectual Property, Coca Cola, Trade Secrets, Patents, Copyrights - 5/18/11 bytes=7322543 LISTEN to Neal Cohen, Partner, HRO-Boulder
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