Brad Feld: His story continues in Entrepreneurs Unplugged
1034_ 6/24/11 - It wasn't a very deliberate transition to becoming a venture capitalist for Brad Feld. "I sold my first company; I worked for AmeriData for a year-and-a-half; I had a consulting business - we grew a $2 million business to $5 million in the first six to nine months - they/we then bought a $20 million version of what we were and merged. I got involved now with the deal team - and basically everything that we were buying was a hardware resale company. And every one of them had a founder who was a software guy who thought he had created something magical." Brad's job was to go hang out with them and when he left that software guy was supposed to feel inferior, inept. "It was a lot of fun, essentially almost all the software was uniformly worthless - they were hardware resale companies... That was one part of my job, the other part, this was when Novell Network had crested - Windows NT was just beginning - my job was to be in those discussions too. During this time I made a bunch of investments with my own money." ($50,000 was a big investment to him). In the timeframe of 1994-96 and Brad learned to do equity investments at this time ...Watch and listen for much more...
Related Links: Brad Feld Blog || Silicon Flatirons, ATLAS, and ITP || Brad Feld Video || Foundry Group || Do More Faster Book || Entrepreneurs Unplugged Photos || Keywords: Brad Feld, Jill Van Matre, Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center, AmeriData, Len Fassler, Entrepreneurship Initiative, Atlas, Foundry Group, Do More Faster Book, AmeriData, Novell Network, Equity Investments, 6/24/11 WATCH: Brad Feld, Foundry Group