They do everything to support the entrepreneur
1204_ 5/2/12 - While he's right here and focused on Colorado, Ray Hutchins works all over the world. One of his global connections is through TiE Rockies which is associated with TiE Global. TiE Global has 57 Chapters throughout the world. We have a very vibrant and fast growing chapter right here in Denver, one of the smallest in the TiE Global network, but it is recognized as one of the most dynamic, fastest growing and most influential chapters. Asked about TiE and its makeup, Ray tells us that TiE stands for the Indus entrepreneur. Eighteen years ago a group of wealthy Indian technology guys put together the organization. The original mission was to build strong relationships between India and the United States. Something they were quite instrumental and successful at. The mission shifted over the years and today is supporting the entrepreneur. So we do everything we can to support the entrepreneur and to create jobs and to grow businesses. That's the primary mission. In order to do that TiE has two levels of membership. One level is the Charter Member and then the other is the general member. Charter members are successful business people usually older and more experienced who have achieved success of one kind or another (various criteria associated with that) and they basically fund the organization. TiE is growing very fast and enjoys a great reputation in the Denver Metro area. Ray said, it's kind of a club of successful men and women having some success and then wanting to help others and wanting to help the State grow. "That's the basic mission and if you're on board with that, then we welcome you. And, we work very hard to form relationships between these people. With us you've got to put an oar in the water and you've got to make a difference. You've got to be part of the organization and help push it forward. That's not only good for us, but it's good for you, that's how you get your pay-back." The last event w3w3 attended was fabulous. That was an event where John Kelley a board member, highly respected businessman from the Denver metro area, past CEO of McData, he is currently raising money for a new company CereScan that is changing the way brain injury and disease is diagnosed and treated around the world. He's raising money for that deal, he's a charter member, a highly respected member of our group and we came together as an organization to support him and help him raise money, and it was a very successful event.
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