The Contradiction of Focus When Building a Business
1275_ 9/14/12 [Orig Pub. 12/2009]-
When you ask successful entrepreneurs, What are the keys to building a successful, sustaining business? Among other words, they'll say, Passion, A+ Team, Commitment, Innovation, Focus. While all have substance, the successful entrepreneurs have fascinating stories that support those descriptions, I would like to point out that 'Focus' is a double-edged sword. Let’s be clear, focus is a critical element for building a successful business. It's true that if you don't know where you are going any road will take you there. Then again, if you are so focused on where you are going, you could get side-swiped because you didn't see 'it' coming. So what does this all mean? In Larry’s book, Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos, Chapter 12, Ground Swells of Change - Prepare, capitalize or fall victim, he discusses five different examples of landscapes and their ground swells of change. He also writes about trends of both the past and the future. Trends have an impact on the landscape; however it's the groundswell that will often determine the success or failure of an endeavor, personal or professional. "The greatest difficulties lie where we are not looking for them" said Johann Wolfgang Goethe. A ‘ground swell of change’ is never a solo effort; it takes many active forces to build up a head of steam. Examples include: innovations, inventions, laws, events, in/out of favor fads, something that is displaced or replaced, cultural changes, local events, controversy, fiscal changes, mergers, movements, etc. There's more....
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Keywords: Mastering Change, Chaos, Larry Nelson, Entrepreneurs, Focus, Ground Swells
of Change, Landscape, Trends, Channel: Change bytes=4014776
LISTEN TO: Larry Nelson, Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos
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