Pay attention to your own personal and leadership growth
1320_ 12/6/12 -
We have quite a history with our guest today. We're talking with Robert White, founder of Extraordinary People, LLC. and author of the popular book, Living An Extraordinary Life, now in its fifth printing. Robert has also founded a number of companies, best known for the experiential training company LifeSpring, here in the U.S. and then internationally for ARC International which was the largest training company in Asia. Heavily involved with the Innovation Pavilion, we asked Robert what was going on there and why he was so involved. Robert explained, "As you know, the Innovation Pavilion is an incubator primarily for startups, or early stage companies, and I just love what they're doing out there. I love supporting innovation and job growth." It is a challenge for startups and they have a program called the Executives in Residence, which is an opportunity to give back and support these startups, and to do so without a fee on the front end. Recently the Innovation Pavilion hosted a leadership program that Robert normally does in-house with intact teams, corporations and non-profits. It was great fun, lots of learning and the feedback was excellent. Larry asked, "With all the entrepreneurs out there, and of course the economic challenges - why is executive coaching and team development so important for these entrepreneurs?" Robert replied,
"Well most entrepreneurs are excited about a product. It's the latest, the greatest, they're passionate about it. Many of them have a technical or service background as opposed to a leadership and management background. So, the reason that companies fail, most often, is the people they choose. Are the people focused, are they aligned and is their commitment level equivalent? The absence or weakness in any one of those three, the people issues, can sabotage what otherwise might be a very successful company." They talked about how Robert has always been a 'giver' and involved with the community as well as offering some excellent advice for entrepreneurs. ..Listen for much more...
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KEYWORDS: Robert White, Extraordinary Life, Personal Growth, Leadership Growth,
Innovation Pavilion, Executives in Residence Program, ARC International, LifeSpring, Living An Extraordinary Life, bytes=6166050
LISTEN TO: Robert White, Extraordinary Life
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