Attack a problem in a completely unique and multi sensory way
1468_ 11/26/13 - He is a self described IT nerd and is visually impaired. He says, being a blind technical professional, he has learned how to use certain tips, tricks and technologies to overcome the visual obstacles. Michael Hess is the founder of Blind Institute of Technology (BIT) He started BIT with one mission in mind, and that is to bridge the gap between the Visually Impaired Community and the corporate environment. He's come to appreciate the proverbial blinders he's had to wear, have really helped to make it so much easier to focus on the content than his sighted peers - especially when you're requirements gathering. To highlight, Gartner has the statistics that quantify this - 80% of all IT and Network projects are either not on time, on budget or delivered at all. There is this breakdown that takes place. But in Mike's case, his projects have always met those requirements and he's realized his 'blinders' really are an asset. Based on this, Mike has developed a Team Building program and what he is doing is taking teams in technology organizations and putting them under blindfolds and having them produce tasks. His firm has developed different exercises for each sightless principle. Communication doesn't have to be complex but it has to be clear. Sometimes we need to attack a problem in a completely unique and multi sensory way. And the lost art of collaboration ...listen for more...
RELATED LINKS: The Blind Institute of Technology || Events & Speaking Engagements || Podcasting Directory || CIMCO || In the News || KEYWORDS: Michael Hess, Blind Institute of Technology, BIT, Visually Impaired, Project Management Institute Mile Hi, CIMCO, Community Reach, bytes=7301645
LISTEN TO: Michael Hess, Founder, Blind Institute. of Technology
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