Goal Planning & Strategic Planning Critically Important
1489_ 1/22/14 - STORY: Larry and Pat attended the Financial Executives International (FEI Colorado) monthly chapter meeting and interviewed the keynote speaker Greg Anton who is a founding partner of Anton Collins Mitchell LLP, (ACM) a Denver, Colorado based CPA firm with offices in Boulder, Denver and Greeley. Larry asked Greg what advice he would give entrepreneurs. "Ultimately financial reporting and accounting is the language of business. If you don't have some reference or some general idea of the language of business, it's really difficult to manage that business. If you don't understand how to read financial information, you really can't run the business... So you must have a general understanding - you don't, obviously, have to be an accountant to be a business owner." Greg said. "The reality is that most business owners we talk to need a keen understanding of the cost structure, the cost of their product, the cost of their service, what's the right price point in the marketplace, how do they create sales initiatives that pay for themselves." Greg also explained that he tells folks he deals with that it's really important to do goal planning and strategic planning around where you are going. He said, "I view it as you've got to have a daily plan for the things that have to be accomplished that day, that are critically important. You've got to have a strategic plan that looks out one, two, three years. And, you have to have a wide term plan that looks out into the horizon. If you don't have a vision of where your business is going to go - it's impossible to get from today to the future without that. Successful entrepreneurs have the vision of what they can do ...Listen for more...
RELATED LINKS: FEI Colorado || Anton Collins Mitchell LLP || Podcasting Directory || CIMCO || Social Entrepreneurs || KEYWORDS: Greg Anton, Anton Collins Mitchell LLP, Federal Executives International, FEI Colorado, Entrepreneurs, Goal Planning, Strategic Planning, Cost Structure, bytes=10372809
LISTEN TO: Gregory Anton, Anton Collins Mitchell LLC
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