A real boost to sustainability in Colorado and beyond
1532_ 4/16/14 - We asked Cliff Young, Associate Dean in the Dean's Office at UC Denver Business School about managing for sustainability. "The history of managing for sustainability was actually somewhat industry driven." The first of these classes started back in 2007-08 and has grown to where UC Denver currently has 12 different classes teaching sustainability and three specializations, internally here at the business school. They're all graduate specializations, so if a student takes any four of these classes, that student gets a specialization either in their MBA or a Masters of Science & Management. Or if the student took three classes associated with the Masters of Science & Marketing you would get a specialization and with that you can get a Certificate in Sustainability. Cliff said, "The most recent accomplishment at UC Denver is bringing Graham Russell on board as the Ambassador for Managing for Sustainability." Larry has known Graham Russell for a number of years, "and he has done some phenomenal work in this area - it's really neat to see you with this great organization, but how did you get involved and what's your role?" Graham tells us when he was running CORE (the sustainable business association - Denver), he was privileged to get to know the UC Denver faculty. Graham left CORE in 2010 and was invited to teach here at UC Denver and has taught two or three courses over the past few years. He's also been instrumental in building relationships between the business school and the local business community. Graham also chairs the Advisory Council on Sustainability, and they've been very successful in building relationships with many of the larger companies in this part of the world.
RELATED LINKS: UC Denver Business School || Jake Jabs Ctr for Entrepreneurship || CIMCO Private Wealth || Blog || KEYWORDS: Cliff Young, Graham Russell, UC Denver Business School, Sustainability, CORE, MBA, Masters of Science & Management, Integrated Sustainability Program,, bytes=9052894
LISTEN TO: Chris Young & Graham Russell, UC Denver Business School
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