Colorado impacting global food movement
1549_ 6/2/14 - We interviewed Krista Roberts, the Director of Slow Food Denver, a local chapter representing a global food movement called 'Slow Food'. It started in Italy initially as a reaction to the fact that a fast foods hamburger stand was being constructed at the foot of the Spanish Steps in Rome. But it has evolved a lot since then and is founded on the premise that everyone should have access to food that is good, clean and fair. There are chapters all over the world and we are one of the most active in the United States. In the Denver community, they have two main areas of programming. The 'Seed to Table School Food' program works directly with schools educating children about where their food comes from, how to cook and just the pleasure of enjoying good food. They also support about 50 school garden programs. The other area of work they do is their Community Table Programming. Here they do a lot of outreach and education to the general public helping connect them with local food producers, farmers, ranchers - getting more information about their food and building community through all these outlets. Coming in June, and this is a first of its kind, Slow Meat will focus on meat - and we're excited that it's in Denver - this is the first hosted in the United States! The idea is to gather a group of people who are all involved with meat in some way - ranchers, processors, chefs, consumers - to really consider meat and how we can create a more sustainable meat system in our country...
RELATED LINKS: Slow Food Denver || Community Reach || CIMCO || Podcasting Directory || KEYWORDS: Krista Roberts, Slow Food Denver, Global Food Movement, Community Table Programming, School Garden Programs, CIMCO, Community Reach Channel, bytes=7120251
LISTEN TO: Krista Roberts, Slow Food Denver
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