Gaming company focused on teaching critical technology skills
1581_ 7/14/14 - This is Lucy Sanders, the CEO for the National Center for Women and Information Technology or NCWIT, along with Larry Nelson of Media Network. We are interviewing a company in the 'gamification space', sort of the culmination of the education and gaming field and also an NCWIT member company in our entrepreneurial alliance. Moira Hardek is the president and CEO of Galvanize Labs a hybrid gaming company focused on teaching critical technology skills. They have produced a number of educational video games. Most recently a game called 'Taking Charge' that submerges players in captivating, learning stories while peaking on some of the fundamental building blocks of a quality technology education. "This is a key building block for any career. (We challenged the kids to name a career that didn't involve technology - there really aren't any.)" Moira said, "There are four pillars that describe who we are and what we believe, and can very effectively solve any problem. The first is Data: To collect data and information to properly analyze the problem. We believe very strongly in education - you always have to acknowledge your power, so education is big for us. Game theory is what drives everything for us and so that's our 3rd pillar. Game theory is all about creating internal motivation. So it's not just gamification, it's not just having fun, but creating motivation for your user. Then the fourth pillar being a great user experience." listen for more...
RELATED LINKS: Galvanize Labs || NCWIT Home || NCWIT Blog || Heroes Channel || KEYWORDS: Moira Hardek, Galvanize Labs, Hybrid Gaming, Taking Charge, Gameification, Lucy Sanders, National Center for Women and Information Technology, NCWIT, Entrepreneur, bytes=18114249
LISTEN TO: Moira Hardek, Pres/CEO, Galvanize Labs
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