What do Leonard Nimoy, Krista Marks, Vinton Cerf, have in common
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RELATED LINKS: About w3w3.com || w3w3.com Sponsors || w3w3.com Blog || Podcast Directory || KEYWORDS: w3w3® Talk Radio, Leonard Nimoy, Krista Marks, Vinton Cerf, Mike Fries, Lucy Sanders, Ted Turner, Dan Caruso, Larissa Herda, Steve Bigari, Jim Crowe, Denise Brown, Ping Fu, Mark Endry, Kathleen Quinn Votaw, Heidi Roizen, Seth Levine, Jon Nordmark, Nancy Phillips, Stephanie Smeltzer McCoy, Donna Auguste, Sam Addoms, Helen Greiner, Roy Dimoff, Greg Maffei, Vinton Cerf, Guy Kawasaki, Jay Walker, Sam Pitroda, Rick Patch, Terry Gold, Michael Powell, Richard Truly, J.B. Holston, Holli Baumunk