Looking for companies that can have national or worldwide reach 1593_ 8/25/14 [Part 1 of 2]
- Larry interviewed David Brown, President, TechStars. They have grown so much over the past seven years and Larry was seeking an update. TechStars funds technology oriented companies, typically these are web-based or other software companies, but they’ve funded companies that don’t quite fit that mold as well. They are also looking for companies that can have national or worldwide reach. Specifically, they don’t fund biotechnology companies, restaurants, consultancies, or other local service oriented companies. "How much funding do Techstars companies receive?" You get $118,000 in seed investment upon acceptance into Techstars for 7-10% equity in your company. You also have access to great perks such as free hosting and services, sponsored meals, office space with the other teams, and more. There is immeasurable value in the connections and advice that you’ll receive when you start your company with...listen for more ...David's latest book is 'No Vision All Drive'...
RELATED LINKS: TechStars || TechStars Blog || No Vision All Drive || Entrepreneur Channel || KEYWORDS: David Brown, TechStars, Disney Accelerator, David Cohen, Brad Feld, Jared Polis, Nicole Glaros, Boulder CO, Entertainment, Walt Disney Company, Technology Startups, Europe, bytes=5892287
LISTEN TO: David Brown, President, TechStars
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