Catching up with Nikaela
1602_ 9/2/14 - Back in October 2012, we introduced you to Nikaela – she was asking people to “Step Out to Stop Diabetes” an annual walk/run to fund research for a cure. Nikaela is a teenager involved in her community, an excellent student, a volleyball star and a beautiful girl who bravely fights the devastating effects of diabetes that threaten her well being, every day of her life. It’s hard work for her and her family – worse it’s more than they can afford financially and at times emotionally. This year alone she’s lost two young teenage friends, they lost their fight with diabetes. Imagine what it must be like to go to sleep at night, knowing you could slip into a coma and never see the world again. Or maybe lose your vision, or face amputation. You can help...
KEYWORDS: Diabetes, Nikaela,
Watch 2+min. Video: Nikaela's Champions & Challenges