Don't get distracted by the executives or mobile devices in the room
1609_ 9/15/14 - Mike Hess doesn't get distracted by the executives in the room or mobile devices in the room, or the pretty girls in the room - He just focuses on content. Mike, who is legally blind, is the founder and executive director of the Blind Institute of Technology. And now, he teaches his Sightless Principles of Communication to teams and companies, large and small (Google, DaVita, and Gates Rubber), about the real importance of actually listening. They've done amazing things. Year to date the Blind Institute of Technology has already placed 12 people. Mike said, "One of our latest candidates, an MBA with a vision impairment out of Fort Collins, Colorado, just got placed at DaVita (a Fortune 300 company) - and we just keep rolling Larry. It's so exciting!" Mike credits his board of directors for much of the great success. Mike and the Blind Institute of Technology (BIT) have an Easy Button for the companies looking for talented employees.
RELATED LINKS: The Blind Institute of Technology || Podcasting Directory || CIMCO || Community Reach ||
KEYWORDS: Michael Hess, Blind Institute of Technology, BIT, Visually Impaired, Project Management Institute Mile Hi, CIMCO, Community Reach, DU, Social Entrepreneurs, , bytes=5848819
LISTEN TO: Mike Hess, Executive Director/Founder, Blind Institute of Technology
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