Finance, advertising and internet companies are blurring together
1641_ 11/24/14 - Founded in early 2011 MemSQL sounds like a great deal. We're talking with Carlos Bueno, product manager, and he's explained that mem sql is extremely flexible - you don't have to have specially equipped machines from Oracle, it works everywhere and it's very inexpensive! They've just shipped version 3.2 of their software. They have a six month cycle where they do the next year version and then the .5 version. So they're on the third major cycle. MemSQL is not geographically limited - it's software that you can install on your own hardware. A lot of their customers are on the east coast, they tend to be finance and advertising companies. On the west coast they tend to be more Internet companies - but finance, advertising and internet companies are starting to blur together. Of course there are customers here in Colorado like Comcast for instance.
RELATED LINKS: Mem SQL || Defrag 2014 || Podcast Directory || Software Chnl || KEYWORDS: Carlos Bueno, DefragCon 2014, MemSQL, Oracle, Distributed, In-Memory Database, SQL into C++, bytes=3109096
LISTEN TO: Carlos Bueno, MemSQL
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